Please note that players who want to use our NFTs and utility token ($MEE) will need to have a Web3 wallet that connects to our game.  Medieval Empires supports two types of wallets: Third party wallets such as Metamask and our default wallet, Immutable Passport.  

If you own a Land NFT or MEE tokens in Medieval Empires, you can use these instructions to connect  your Web3 wallet .

In case of our default wallet, the Immutable Passport, when you create a game account via our website, you will automatically get a wallet, which is connected to the game by default. This wallet is provided by our partner Immutable. The Immutable Passport (wallet) is a non-custodial wallet that onboards players with a paswordless sign-in and automated wallet creation. 

However, currently, with the Immutable Passport, players will not be able to use certain Web3 functions such purchasing in-game items like Silver and resources, owning NFTs from the game and staking MEE tokens for extra benefits such as staking for VIP status or staking for a town slot. 

Players will, though, be able to own and trade the Starter Pack NFT on Immutable using the Passport wallet. You can check out our collections here at our marketplace on Immutable zkevm

We are currently in the process of adding more and more features on Immutable as we integrate further into Immutable's web3 gaming eco-system. Soon enough, players with the Immutable passport will also be able to enjoy Medieval Empires with its full functionality and features!