For most users, to provide a maximum level of safety and convenience, we offer custodial wallets, for which you can restore the password via email, as long as you have associated your account with an email. Such a wallet is created for players by default when they first start the game and can be manually claimed or exported later, should they prefer using a non-custodial wallet.
Conversely - if you use a non-custodial wallet, including but not limited to MetaMask, Brave Wallet, Ledger, or Trezor, and you lose access to it and do not have your 12/24-word passphrase or private key backed up, all your crypto assets will become inaccessible to you. However, your account still owns them in the game, and they should remain useful there as long as you have your email/password combination. However, you cannot trade, withdraw, or perform any other on-chain operations with them in this case.
If you decided to exclusively use a non-custodial wallet to authenticate your account in the game (e.g., to play anonymously), both your assets and your profile will become inaccessible to you if you lose your wallet data.

Please note that we support multiple wallet connections now, check here for supported wallets. 

If you have not associated your account or data with any wallet or email credentials (playing without a permanent account), as soon as the game is deleted or your local data files are lost, you lose access to all your game and crypto assets.