How do I upgrade a building?
In your town, every building can be upgraded as long as the requirements are fulfilled. Select the building and click the upgrade icon. ...
How are Heroes created in Medieval Empires?
In order to create a Hero, players will have to build a Hero Academy and then recruit Heroes into their military units. Players can recuit h...
What are the types of Units and how are they created?
Units are the most common part of the players' army and are split into three types: Infantry, Range Units, and Cavalry. Each Unit can be cre...
What kind of missions and tasks do I need to complete within the game?
Currently, Medieval Empires has two kinds of missions and tasks that players need to complete.Daily Missions: Different tasks that support a...
Do I need any special equipment or software to play Medieval Empires?
Medieval Empires would be playable on PC (Windows), Mac (OSX), and Mobile (iOS and Android). Users will not require any special equipment or...
Who created the artwork for Medieval Empires?
The artwork for Medieval Empires has been created by a collaborative effort of some of the best names in the industry, who have years of exp...
Will Medieval Empires feature more war heroes from Medieval times?
Medieval Empires will add more factions and heroes in the future as the game world expands. Current factions include the Kayi tribe with Ert...
What is a Legacy NFT?
Legacy NFTs are earned when your hero reaches the end of his life, depending on the XP-level and age of the hero.
What is a Lineage NFT?
Players can pay to mint Lineage NFTs which they can utilise in the gameplay to add certain lineage, or characteristics to their hero by bind...
How is a Hero NFT made?
A player starts the training of a new hero in the Town, which is a process that requires resources, SILVER-Tokens and time. After this, the ...
How would the Battle System work in Medieval Empires?
Step 1: Set up an Army (Optional)Players can start by setting up an army in the Military HQ or can assemble their army later (as described i...
What kind of events would take place in the game?
Events on Province Map These events will always focus on battles and will be split into three dimensions: Enemy Type, Grouping Type, and...
What is Prestige?
Prestige is an in-game reputation, rewarded to counties and players for successful actions such as defeating invaders. Prestige would go dow...
Can I get negative Prestige?
Please note that players cannot get negative Prestige, they would only become unknown. However, counties can get negative prestige, which wo...
Why can't I use my army setup from the Military HQ?
There could be two reasons why you are not able to use your army setup from the Military Headquarters. 1 - The leader is unavailable (i...
How to upgrade units?
For upgrading a unit, you need to choose an existing one and select the level and method of upgrade. You can use Instant upgrade which...
How to level up a hero?
For levelling up a hero, you need an existing hero which has gained enough XPs. You can also choose Instant upgrade option that costs extra ...
What Polygon-compatible wallet do I need to for playing Medieval Empires?
Players can connect MetaMask and other Polygon-compatible wallets that are supported by WalletConnect. You can check here if you wallet is&n...
What is the hospital for?
Hospitals are used to heal units and heroes after battles. The higher the level of the hospital as compared to the level of the unit or hero...
If I sell my Land NFT, will I lose my village and resources?
No, in such a case, you can keep your village, but the new owner can banish you from their land. If that happens, you will have to get acces...
Will the Landlords earn $MEE token or Silver token? Will the two currencies, at any point, be interchangeable?
Landlords will be able to earn Silver and $MEE via taxes and fees on their tenants. The two currencies will not be interchangeable as they b...
Can resources be exchanged for silver?
No, resources will not be exchangeable with silver.
Can a hero level up with enough XP?
Yes, a hero can be leveled up if it has enough XP for the next level. The required amount of XP for a level up depends on the current level ...
Can armies in Medieval Empires be called back or assigned to a new target?
Yes, armies can be called back or assigned to a new target after the attack has been initiated on the Province Map. Simply redirect your arm...
How much time does healing take in a hospital?
The healing time depends on the level of the hero or unit, health missing and level of the hospital. The timer for healing heros and units c...
What special abilities do the Heroes have? And do these abilities remain the same if we upgrade the heroes?
Special Abilities provide additional benefits beside the general Stats of Heroes. They also add the deeper tactics into the game.There are t...
What would happen if a unit or hero loses all HP during a battle?
If a unit or hero loses all of its HP during a battle, they will not die, but players will not be able to use them until they have fully rec...
What is durability?
This is the icon for durability in the game. When the durability goes down, you can't use this hero anymore. Durability decreases every time...
Does healing Units or Heroes in a hospital cost resources?
No. Healing Units or Heroes in a hospital does not cost resources.
What happens when a Unit/Hero is retired?
Units/Heroes in the game can be ‘retired’ in the Hero Academy. Players will receive rewards when they retire a hero, depending on the Hero's...
Where can I find the health lost in a battle?
Information about the health lost after a battle can be found in the battle report that the player receives after every encounter with...
What does the catapult icon mean?
The catapult icon in Hero stats is the range of the unit/hero. The green number shows how much the given value can increase in case of a lev...
Why is my game slow or stuck?
There are a few possible reasons that cause performance issues on your game client:Your device has low hardware specificationsYou set t...
What are Special Abilities for heroes?
Special Abilities provide additional benefits beside the general Stats of Units/Heroes. In this article, we listed the hero special abilitie...
How does speeding timers up work?
IntroductionIf players want to speedup timers in their town they can do so by using speedups or Silver.Speedups can not be used for speeding...
How many armies can I have for battles?
In Medieval Empires, player has both Active Army (used for battles) and Army-Setups (used for pre-setup for quick army assemply). Both numbe...
How can I reduce the FPS rate to improve game performance?
To reduce the FPS rate in the game, go to your town and click on the profile button. In the 'User Settings' dialog box, click on 'Settings' ...
Why can't I use my hero/units with 0 durability?
Everything created by players has a limited durability (like in real life) after which it becomes unusable. When your heroes and units get t...
What is VIP status in the game and how can I get it?
VIP status in the game is a system which offers certain benefits to players for staking their MEE tokens. To stake for VIP status, simply he...
Where can I find information on my remaining speed-ups in the game?
Players can now make use of a variety of speed-ups in the game to reduce timers on training, healing, upgrading etc. These speed-ups can be ...
What to do after Townhall Level 5 in Medieval Empires?
After you reach Townhall Level 5 in Medieval Empires, you will not be able to progress further in the game unless you settle down on an actu...
How to use Starterpacks in Medieval Empires?
When building your empire in the game, you would require three types of resources, in addition to Silver. These resources can be earned in t...
How does player prestige work?
Players gain prestige through the following:They gain prestige for finishing encounters on the map (like invader mobs, invader fortress or r...
How does County Prestige work?
The county gains prestige if encounters (e.g. Invaders or Resources) are completed by the players of the county.The county loses prestige if...
Why am I losing Prestige in Medieval Empires?
In Medieval Empires, you might be losing prestige for several reasons:Battle Losses: If you lose a battle, your prestige decreases. However,...
How many factions are there in Medieval Empires?
Currently, the game features two factions - the Kayi Tribe and the Crusaders. However, as the game world expands, more factions will be adde...
How do the bonuses work in Medieval Empires?
Here's a simple way to understand how bonuses work in Medieval Empires:Bonuses add up, they don't multiply: Imagine you have two bonuses. If...